Orange County SEO™ Blog
Evergreen Content
You want to make sure that your website has great content. Working with content masters, like Orange County SEO is one way to make that happen, but even without their help you can have a website with content that is amazing. There is more to great content than writing about the latest and greatest in your niche market. Evergreen content is the gift the keeps on giving.
Evergreen content is information that will always be relevant to your market. There are topics in your genre that will never fall out of favor and will always be something that is searched for. Having plenty of evergreen content on your site is going to make it easy to have a constant stream of people coming to your site. Read More »
How Search Engine Optimization Trumps Other Forms of Outreach
Remember how once upon a time you might have a question, but you’d just have to wait and remember that question when you were near the shelf of encyclopedias, or a good friend whose brain seemed to resemble a set of encyclopedias? We are no longer in the past, search engines are now how people get their information. Want to know the name of that band or a recipe for apple brown betty? You can have that answer in 1.5 seconds, and it’s scarily wonderful.
With the development of such extremely effortless facts and figures at our fingertips at any given moment, anything other marketing besides search engine optimization for your business look like dinosaur bones floating in gloppy ancient tar. To survive in the modern marketplace, a web presence is a given, so you have one of those, great. But what happens when you ignore the tips and tricks that you could use to take you to greatness? You’re stuck with the same old chestnut methods from the last 100 years of advertising.
Putting Ads on Television – Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) have killed the commercial as we know it, and the average viewer, 90% of the time, is just going to fast-forward anything that gets in the way of their shows. Read More »
How Can I Optimize My Keywords and What is Keyword Research?
We’re honing in on keywords for this article because where content is king, keywords are golden. Keyword research drives a huge amount of search engine behavior, as it’s the bread and butter of how to observe what people are searching for and how. Certain search phrases and terms are going to attract different kinds of crowds, and by studying the keywords that people use, or which keywords generate user interest, you start to really get a feeling of how to connect with your customers in a way never before possible.
Keyword research is almost like having focus groups in a fancy room where you conduct experiments and see what the group prefers. But here’s the thing: using the Internet as your focus group means that your “lab” can be as large as you want! You can reach thousands of people and you can observe which way they are trending by using diagnostic tools, and in turn you can produce content that will attract the kind of visitors that are going to love your product or services. Your site can respond with up to the minute information that vibes with the current market situation, with information on products and services that correspond with real and actual needs, not predicted needs. Read More »